世界和平月/祈禱會邀請函: ~ 開啟心中光 ~ 傳遞心中愛 ~ 祈世界和平
親愛的心靈共修兄弟姊妹及光之子.Dear Spiritual brothers & sisters & beloved teachers
How are you? This is HK Lightworkers Center, we are hereby cordially inviting all of you to participate the World Peace Month/World Peace Conference
這是一個意識覺醒的時代!香港光行者中心自許為光的燈塔, 由1999年, 開始光的課程及其他新時代身心靈自我成長, 療癒, 意識提昇的活動, 迄今已逾15年。15年如一日, 我們在此崗位為自我, 家庭, 工作環境, 香港社會正能量意識提昇不遺餘力, 堅守此光的燈塔, 身心靈成長家庭學校孜孜不倦, 堅持如一。自古至今, 許多靈修法門都會提到「光」, 而光的課程即由淨光兄弟們隸屬於默基瑟德天使聖團是一群開悟的古老教師團體, 經過Antoniette Moltzan 於1970 年代開始通靈接收傳遞光與愛與和平的訊息, 迄今全世界已經數萬人得益。 這光指的是形成我們靈魂存在, 具有實體, 實質存在的光。具體地說 - 我們就是光 - 靈魂體中光的能量受到個人意識的激發和啟動之後, 便注入身體之中, 同時產生了改變與轉化的過程。.This is the era of awaken & Lightworkers Center Hong Kong as the Light Tower since year 1999 starting the A Course In Light & other new age theories/study/workshops of personal growth, healing, awaken awareness of our consciousness till now over 15 years & we are holding as our vision & mission for ourselves, families, working environment, Hong Kong society, providing various spiritual tools to enhance ourselves & others continuously, also holding as the Light Tower, spiritual family/school till. From all the previous histories, all the spiritual gurus/masters/teachers/principles all mentioning about – Light & A Course In Light original from Order of Melchizedk, channeled from Antoinette Moltzan at year 1970 starting delivering channel message, spreading out the messages of light & love & peace. Till now all over the world have over thousands of people benefited. All of our physical bodies, consciousness, soul all come from Light, we are Light & through the inspiration & liftup, then transformed into our physical body & hence the process of transformation & shift effected
由我們個人起心動念, 起居坐臥, 思想意識練習自己選擇隨時在正能量中, 由小我開始, 家庭, 工作, 朋友, 社區, 及香港整個社會開始。以光與愛及和平代替所有的恐懼。尤其在此香港社會, 世界災難連連狀態⋯⋯唯有光及愛及和平能改變及療癒及提昇所有意識及實相。我們會邀請香港, 台灣, 中國, 馬來西亞, 英國, 美國⋯各地的同修同時參與及共同啟動此活動。Starting from our single thought, consciousness to our daily lives, we are observing our thoughts, mind & consciousness & at all times focusing at positive energy, all starting from ourselves, extend to our families, working environment, friends, communities, the entire Hong Kong society. With all the Light & Love & Peace to replace with fear, especially nowadays in HK society & worldwide with many disasters & tragedy but only Light & Love & Peace can change & heal & uplift all of our consciousness & reality. We wish to invite all the spiritual families, brothers & sisters from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, UK, USA…… allover the world the spiritual families & all Lightworkers to initiate the activity.
2014, 9月1日- 9月30日:世界和平月 Sep 1 – Sep 30, 2014 – World Peace Month
在世界和平月, 我們誠邀各位共同參與此行動。專注在所有啟動內在之光與愛而傳播出去。請於指定日期,穿著衣著及飾物以素色當日的顏色為主, 並且提高覺知於加持所有飲食有相同功效, 全心啟動自我身心靈覺知意識。推己及人, 期待廣傳訊息, 共襄盛舉!During World Peace Month, we sincerely invite all of you to participate the activity, on exact dates experience the energy of light by wearing the solid color of clothes & uplift our awareness of the food we are having, connect & initiate the energy of light inside of us & enhance the body-mind-soul awareness, from ourselves to other, please kindly spread out the messages around us
9月1日-9月3日: 白色淨化之光, 亦即基督之光, 洗滌所有晦暗及混濁。發送淨化到世界。Sep 1 – 3: White Ray of Light, Christ Light, the ray of light for purification, wash out all the darkness, sending the light of purification to the world
9月4日-9月6日: 金色轉化之光, 用於轉化所有負面思想信念模式。轉化世界恐懼不安。Sep 4 – 6: Gold Ray of Light, the light is for transformation all the negative belief systems. Energy to transform the fear & insecurity from the world
9月7日-9月9日: 藍色智慧之光, 真理智慧之光, 燃燒所有恐懼憤怒。祈禱世界充滿智慧。Sep 7-9: Blue Sapphire Ray of Light as the wisdom, which burn out all the fear, anger & blessing the world full of wisdom
9月10日-9月12日:綠寶石創造之光, 增強溝通靈感, 以及顯化豐盛之光。祈求世界完全豐盛。Sep 10-12: Emerald Ray of Light, enhance of communication & inspire the inspiration for abundance, which manifest the abundance worldly
9月13日-9月14日:紫羅蘭至善意願之光, 和較高心識意願產生和諧共振,世界完全較高意識。Sep 13-14:Violet Purple Ray of Light, connecting with higher consciousness & have higher harmony frequency worldly
9月15日-9月17日:紅寶石治癒之光, 有療癒的能量, 針對身體及情緒體, 安撫世界所有受傷心靈。Sep 15-17: Ruby Ray of Light, initiate the healing power mainly focus on physical & emotional body, comforting the wounded hearts worldwide
9月18日-9月19日:橘色感受之光, 啟動靈通力及敏感度的雷達站, 慈悲地感受地球村世界合一。Sep 18-19: Orange Ray of Light, initiate the psychic ability & sensibility as radar station, perceive oneness worldwide with compassion
9月20日-9月22日:粉紅色完美聖愛之光, 在聖愛中的更新之光, 將無條件之愛送給地球。Sept 20 – 22: Pink Ray of Light of perfect holy unconditional love, in the holy light, sending out the unconditional love world wide
9月23日-9月24日:紫水晶勇者之光, 治癒所有爭端與矛盾所產生的焦慮緊張, 每位皆是和平勇士。Sep. 23-24: Amethyst Ray of Light, healing with all the anxiety, tension caused by conflict & contradiction. Each of us are the peaceful warrior
9月25日-9月26日:薄荷綠回復青春之光, 新陳代謝, 復活意識再生之光。地球再生環保生生不息。Sep. 25-26: Peppermint Ray of Light for new beginning & renewal for cells & consciousness. Earth is refreshing sustainably & recycling
9月27日-9月28日:赤紅色熱忱之光, 啟動對生命熱情, 理想, 目標。在自我, 家庭及社會世界責任。Sep 27-28: Scarlet Red Ray of Light, initiation the passion towards life, passion, ideal, visions, responsibility from us to others& the world
9月29日-9月30日:黑色落實之光, 畢業和轉化及提昇象徵, 將所有目標欲望落實到地球物質世界。Sep 29-30: Black Ray of Light, light for grounding & graduation & transformation & uplifting all consciousness, all ideas executed well worldly
2014年9月 - 世界和平月 - 香港光行者中心誠意邀約各位共襄盛舉!如果任何其他個人及中心靈修團體亦有個別不同世界和平月活動, 本中心亦共同支持。讓我們結合提高共同心思意識覺知, 共同為我們的社會傳遞正能量 ~ 開啟心中光 ~ 傳遞心中愛 ~ 祈世界和平 ~ September 2014 – World Peace Month – Lightworkers Center Hong Kong – we sincerely invite all of you to support this action. If any of you & any other spiritual centers/groups wish to host the same events worldly at same time, we are supporting as well, this is the time of communion. Let us unite & uplift our minds, thoughts, awareness & consciousness & pass it forward & pay it forward for the Positive Energy around the world
Light up our Light Heartly,
Pass through the Love Sincerely
Praying for the World Peace
2014年9月28日 : 世界和平祈禱會 Sep 28, 2014 – World Peace Conference
我們會邀請光的訊息傳遞者 - Antoinette Moltzan 來主持此世界和平祈禱會。請各位身心靈同修光之子, 力邀至親好友參與此光的盛典。並且穿著所有光彩七彩之服裝, 體驗此神聖儀式及讓自己身心靈療癒成長提昇的完美機會, 當天的環節如下:We will invite A Course In Light Master – Antoinette Moltzan to host the World Peace Conference, sincerely invite all the ligtworkers & spiritual brother & sisterhood to invite all of your families & friends to participate this Light Festival, also on the day please kindly wear the colorful various light color clothes, to fully experience the secret & holy ceremony, allow us to have the body-mind-sould healing, growth & uplifting perfect chance, the flow as following
7:00pm-7:15pm 光行者中心致詞歡迎各位 Greeting from Lightworkers Center, Lightworkers
7:15pm-8:15pm Antoinette Moltzan 通靈訊息 Antoinette Moltzan channel messages
8:15pm-8:30pm 小休及簽書時間 break time & book sign
8:30pm 全亞洲及美國歐洲同時點燈儀式 Whole Asia & USA, Europe….. Light UP ceremony
8:40pm-9:20pm光的上師Antoinette Moltzan 為世界和平祈福, 參與者加持 Blessing & messages from Light Master – Antoinette Moltzan
9 : 20pm-9 : 40pm 和平歌曲表演及頌讚 Praise & presentation of music of Peace
9:40pm-9 : 55pm 光之旅 Light Journey 由上師領導下, 經驗光芒四射的個人接收光之加持旅程 Light Journey led by masters/Lightworkers to fully experience the sparkling uplifting energy of light journey
10:00pm 儀式完成 journey completion
地點:香港九龍柯士甸道-童軍總會1106室 Venue: Austion Road, Kowloon, Boy Scout Association, Room 1106
票價:HK$100.00 (我們將扣除所有相關費用, 全部收入捐款 - 香港無國界醫生組織) Fee: HK$100.00 (all income deduct all related expenses, all will be donated to: Doctors Without Borders: MSF)
請各位共同支持此送光送愛祈福的光的慶典由香港傳遞到世界每一個角落。屆時會有能量產品送給每位參與支持者。We urge you to support with the vision to send out light & love & blessing of this Light Festival – World Peace Conference, to each corner of Hong Kong to everywhere in the world, during the event, each of you will get the energy CD to thank for all the participant
祝福各位每日時刻在光與愛與和平中!無限喜悅平安豐盛能量!感恩合十 ~~~ Blessing all of you always in the Light & Love & Peace, all Joy, Peace, Abundance with us always! Gratitude & Blessing!
香港光行者中心誠邀 Sincerely, Lightworkers Center – Hong Kong
Blessing in Light & Love
Cam Chu
Lightworkers Center 光行者中心
Tel: (852) 2366 0266
Fax: (852) 2366 3577
親愛的心靈共修兄弟姊妹及光之子.Dear Spiritual brothers & sisters & beloved teachers
How are you? This is HK Lightworkers Center, we are hereby cordially inviting all of you to participate the World Peace Month/World Peace Conference
這是一個意識覺醒的時代!香港光行者中心自許為光的燈塔, 由1999年, 開始光的課程及其他新時代身心靈自我成長, 療癒, 意識提昇的活動, 迄今已逾15年。15年如一日, 我們在此崗位為自我, 家庭, 工作環境, 香港社會正能量意識提昇不遺餘力, 堅守此光的燈塔, 身心靈成長家庭學校孜孜不倦, 堅持如一。自古至今, 許多靈修法門都會提到「光」, 而光的課程即由淨光兄弟們隸屬於默基瑟德天使聖團是一群開悟的古老教師團體, 經過Antoniette Moltzan 於1970 年代開始通靈接收傳遞光與愛與和平的訊息, 迄今全世界已經數萬人得益。 這光指的是形成我們靈魂存在, 具有實體, 實質存在的光。具體地說 - 我們就是光 - 靈魂體中光的能量受到個人意識的激發和啟動之後, 便注入身體之中, 同時產生了改變與轉化的過程。.This is the era of awaken & Lightworkers Center Hong Kong as the Light Tower since year 1999 starting the A Course In Light & other new age theories/study/workshops of personal growth, healing, awaken awareness of our consciousness till now over 15 years & we are holding as our vision & mission for ourselves, families, working environment, Hong Kong society, providing various spiritual tools to enhance ourselves & others continuously, also holding as the Light Tower, spiritual family/school till. From all the previous histories, all the spiritual gurus/masters/teachers/principles all mentioning about – Light & A Course In Light original from Order of Melchizedk, channeled from Antoinette Moltzan at year 1970 starting delivering channel message, spreading out the messages of light & love & peace. Till now all over the world have over thousands of people benefited. All of our physical bodies, consciousness, soul all come from Light, we are Light & through the inspiration & liftup, then transformed into our physical body & hence the process of transformation & shift effected
由我們個人起心動念, 起居坐臥, 思想意識練習自己選擇隨時在正能量中, 由小我開始, 家庭, 工作, 朋友, 社區, 及香港整個社會開始。以光與愛及和平代替所有的恐懼。尤其在此香港社會, 世界災難連連狀態⋯⋯唯有光及愛及和平能改變及療癒及提昇所有意識及實相。我們會邀請香港, 台灣, 中國, 馬來西亞, 英國, 美國⋯各地的同修同時參與及共同啟動此活動。Starting from our single thought, consciousness to our daily lives, we are observing our thoughts, mind & consciousness & at all times focusing at positive energy, all starting from ourselves, extend to our families, working environment, friends, communities, the entire Hong Kong society. With all the Light & Love & Peace to replace with fear, especially nowadays in HK society & worldwide with many disasters & tragedy but only Light & Love & Peace can change & heal & uplift all of our consciousness & reality. We wish to invite all the spiritual families, brothers & sisters from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, UK, USA…… allover the world the spiritual families & all Lightworkers to initiate the activity.
2014, 9月1日- 9月30日:世界和平月 Sep 1 – Sep 30, 2014 – World Peace Month
在世界和平月, 我們誠邀各位共同參與此行動。專注在所有啟動內在之光與愛而傳播出去。請於指定日期,穿著衣著及飾物以素色當日的顏色為主, 並且提高覺知於加持所有飲食有相同功效, 全心啟動自我身心靈覺知意識。推己及人, 期待廣傳訊息, 共襄盛舉!During World Peace Month, we sincerely invite all of you to participate the activity, on exact dates experience the energy of light by wearing the solid color of clothes & uplift our awareness of the food we are having, connect & initiate the energy of light inside of us & enhance the body-mind-soul awareness, from ourselves to other, please kindly spread out the messages around us
9月1日-9月3日: 白色淨化之光, 亦即基督之光, 洗滌所有晦暗及混濁。發送淨化到世界。Sep 1 – 3: White Ray of Light, Christ Light, the ray of light for purification, wash out all the darkness, sending the light of purification to the world
9月4日-9月6日: 金色轉化之光, 用於轉化所有負面思想信念模式。轉化世界恐懼不安。Sep 4 – 6: Gold Ray of Light, the light is for transformation all the negative belief systems. Energy to transform the fear & insecurity from the world
9月7日-9月9日: 藍色智慧之光, 真理智慧之光, 燃燒所有恐懼憤怒。祈禱世界充滿智慧。Sep 7-9: Blue Sapphire Ray of Light as the wisdom, which burn out all the fear, anger & blessing the world full of wisdom
9月10日-9月12日:綠寶石創造之光, 增強溝通靈感, 以及顯化豐盛之光。祈求世界完全豐盛。Sep 10-12: Emerald Ray of Light, enhance of communication & inspire the inspiration for abundance, which manifest the abundance worldly
9月13日-9月14日:紫羅蘭至善意願之光, 和較高心識意願產生和諧共振,世界完全較高意識。Sep 13-14:Violet Purple Ray of Light, connecting with higher consciousness & have higher harmony frequency worldly
9月15日-9月17日:紅寶石治癒之光, 有療癒的能量, 針對身體及情緒體, 安撫世界所有受傷心靈。Sep 15-17: Ruby Ray of Light, initiate the healing power mainly focus on physical & emotional body, comforting the wounded hearts worldwide
9月18日-9月19日:橘色感受之光, 啟動靈通力及敏感度的雷達站, 慈悲地感受地球村世界合一。Sep 18-19: Orange Ray of Light, initiate the psychic ability & sensibility as radar station, perceive oneness worldwide with compassion
9月20日-9月22日:粉紅色完美聖愛之光, 在聖愛中的更新之光, 將無條件之愛送給地球。Sept 20 – 22: Pink Ray of Light of perfect holy unconditional love, in the holy light, sending out the unconditional love world wide
9月23日-9月24日:紫水晶勇者之光, 治癒所有爭端與矛盾所產生的焦慮緊張, 每位皆是和平勇士。Sep. 23-24: Amethyst Ray of Light, healing with all the anxiety, tension caused by conflict & contradiction. Each of us are the peaceful warrior
9月25日-9月26日:薄荷綠回復青春之光, 新陳代謝, 復活意識再生之光。地球再生環保生生不息。Sep. 25-26: Peppermint Ray of Light for new beginning & renewal for cells & consciousness. Earth is refreshing sustainably & recycling
9月27日-9月28日:赤紅色熱忱之光, 啟動對生命熱情, 理想, 目標。在自我, 家庭及社會世界責任。Sep 27-28: Scarlet Red Ray of Light, initiation the passion towards life, passion, ideal, visions, responsibility from us to others& the world
9月29日-9月30日:黑色落實之光, 畢業和轉化及提昇象徵, 將所有目標欲望落實到地球物質世界。Sep 29-30: Black Ray of Light, light for grounding & graduation & transformation & uplifting all consciousness, all ideas executed well worldly
2014年9月 - 世界和平月 - 香港光行者中心誠意邀約各位共襄盛舉!如果任何其他個人及中心靈修團體亦有個別不同世界和平月活動, 本中心亦共同支持。讓我們結合提高共同心思意識覺知, 共同為我們的社會傳遞正能量 ~ 開啟心中光 ~ 傳遞心中愛 ~ 祈世界和平 ~ September 2014 – World Peace Month – Lightworkers Center Hong Kong – we sincerely invite all of you to support this action. If any of you & any other spiritual centers/groups wish to host the same events worldly at same time, we are supporting as well, this is the time of communion. Let us unite & uplift our minds, thoughts, awareness & consciousness & pass it forward & pay it forward for the Positive Energy around the world
Light up our Light Heartly,
Pass through the Love Sincerely
Praying for the World Peace
2014年9月28日 : 世界和平祈禱會 Sep 28, 2014 – World Peace Conference
我們會邀請光的訊息傳遞者 - Antoinette Moltzan 來主持此世界和平祈禱會。請各位身心靈同修光之子, 力邀至親好友參與此光的盛典。並且穿著所有光彩七彩之服裝, 體驗此神聖儀式及讓自己身心靈療癒成長提昇的完美機會, 當天的環節如下:We will invite A Course In Light Master – Antoinette Moltzan to host the World Peace Conference, sincerely invite all the ligtworkers & spiritual brother & sisterhood to invite all of your families & friends to participate this Light Festival, also on the day please kindly wear the colorful various light color clothes, to fully experience the secret & holy ceremony, allow us to have the body-mind-sould healing, growth & uplifting perfect chance, the flow as following
7:00pm-7:15pm 光行者中心致詞歡迎各位 Greeting from Lightworkers Center, Lightworkers
7:15pm-8:15pm Antoinette Moltzan 通靈訊息 Antoinette Moltzan channel messages
8:15pm-8:30pm 小休及簽書時間 break time & book sign
8:30pm 全亞洲及美國歐洲同時點燈儀式 Whole Asia & USA, Europe….. Light UP ceremony
8:40pm-9:20pm光的上師Antoinette Moltzan 為世界和平祈福, 參與者加持 Blessing & messages from Light Master – Antoinette Moltzan
9 : 20pm-9 : 40pm 和平歌曲表演及頌讚 Praise & presentation of music of Peace
9:40pm-9 : 55pm 光之旅 Light Journey 由上師領導下, 經驗光芒四射的個人接收光之加持旅程 Light Journey led by masters/Lightworkers to fully experience the sparkling uplifting energy of light journey
10:00pm 儀式完成 journey completion
地點:香港九龍柯士甸道-童軍總會1106室 Venue: Austion Road, Kowloon, Boy Scout Association, Room 1106
票價:HK$100.00 (我們將扣除所有相關費用, 全部收入捐款 - 香港無國界醫生組織) Fee: HK$100.00 (all income deduct all related expenses, all will be donated to: Doctors Without Borders: MSF)
請各位共同支持此送光送愛祈福的光的慶典由香港傳遞到世界每一個角落。屆時會有能量產品送給每位參與支持者。We urge you to support with the vision to send out light & love & blessing of this Light Festival – World Peace Conference, to each corner of Hong Kong to everywhere in the world, during the event, each of you will get the energy CD to thank for all the participant
祝福各位每日時刻在光與愛與和平中!無限喜悅平安豐盛能量!感恩合十 ~~~ Blessing all of you always in the Light & Love & Peace, all Joy, Peace, Abundance with us always! Gratitude & Blessing!
香港光行者中心誠邀 Sincerely, Lightworkers Center – Hong Kong
Blessing in Light & Love
Cam Chu
Lightworkers Center 光行者中心
Tel: (852) 2366 0266
Fax: (852) 2366 3577